Zhang Chun Lei

Mr Zhang Chunlei was born in December 1969, Shanghai, China. He graduated from Suzhou University School of Arts with a professional certificate in Interior Design in July 1992. In 1995, Mr Zhang went to Japan for cultural exchanges on invitation by the Japanese Art Community. He was then engaged by Singapore employers to carry out art-related works from 1996, during which hetook up further education courses. In 2003, He obtained MBA Master Degree from University of South Australia.Mr Zhang is the Chairman of Association of Art and Culture (Singapore).


Exhibitions & Awards 展览与获奖:

●The International Ink Art Biennale Of Shenzhen 2023《深圳国际水墨双年展》2023年●Impression+: A Solo Exhibition by Zhang ChunLeiat2021 UOB Art Gallery, Singapore《印象+》张春雷作品展(2021年UOB画廊)2021年●The Future is Now Exhibition(Shanghai China)  2021《未来即现在》艺术作品展 (中国上海)2021年●“Infinite Impressions”solo exhibition by Zhang ChunleiatPan Pacific Art Space 2021“印象无限”张春雷作品展 (新加坡泛太平洋酒店2021年)●2020 UOB Painting of the Year (Singapore),Established Artist Category39届UOB绘画大赛(新加坡)2020年最高奖●The 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China – shortlistedforBeijing Exhibition 2019中华人民共和国第十三届全国美展(进京)2019年●The Eighth Beijing International Art and BiennaleChina 2019

第八届北京国际双年展 2019年

●“Sea of Tears International Group Exhibition”2017 Malaysia


●“The 4thJiang Yuan Cup Fine Arts Competition”, artwork “Competition at Lakeside” won “The Excellent Piece Award”  2017 (China)

《第四届江源杯书画大赛》优秀奖 作品《湖边竞技》中国 获编入《第四届江源杯书画精品集》2017年(中国)

●“China Best Cultural Artworks of The Century Competition”, artwork “Nan Yang Fishing Village won “Special Art Piece Award”,  2017 (China)

《中国时代文艺名家代表》特奖 作品《南洋渔村》获编入《中国时代文艺名家代表典籍》(2017年卷)2017年月(中国)

●Impressions 2016-Zhang ChunLeiSoloArt Exhibition, November 2016


●“China’s 7th Xi ZhiCupPainting,calligraphyandartworkcompetition”, artwork won 1st Prize, May 2016.(China)

第七届“羲之杯”诗书画邀请赛荣获一等奖 2016年5月(中国)

●SingaporeBank Art Fair, 2015《新加坡银行艺术展》2015年●Singapore International Auction, 2015


●Singapore Autumn Fine Art Auction, 2015《新加坡秋季艺术珍品拍卖会》2015年​●The 2ndOverseas Chinese Fine Art Exhibition, 2014.- Artwork “Impression –Feng Qiao Ye Po” won “The Best Piece Award”(China)《第二届华侨华人美术书法展》作品《印象-枫桥夜泊》荣获佳作奖2014年(中国)●The 12th National Art Exhibition of China, HongKong, Taiwan, Macau and Overseas2014


●Chinese andSingapore ArtExhibition in 2013(China)


●Exhibition of Impressions of Sister Cities, China 2012


●Affordable Art Fair, Singapore 2011


●Extraordinary Group Art Exhibition 2010《特别设计艺术展》2010●"Impressions of Singapore" - Solo Exhibitionin 2009《印象新加坡》个人作品展2009●"Breakthrough Art Exhibition” 2007 《艺术的突破》画展 2007●"The Contemporary Asian Art Fair2006, Suntec City"《当代亚洲艺术博览会》2006年

Publicity Exposure 宣传曝光:

●"Strait Times"27July 2022《海峡时报》(英文)2022年7月27日●"The Paper"(Shanghai China) 5July 2021《澎湃新闻》(中文)2021年8月5号●"The BusinessTimes"14May2021《商业时报》(英文)2021年5月14日●"Strait Times"22Jan2021《海峡时报》(英文)2021年1月22日●"Lian He Wan Bao"11Dec2020《联合早报》(中文)2020年12月11日●"Strait Times"10 Dec2020《海峡时报》(英文)2020年12月10日●Guangming Daily(China) 4October2019


●Beijing Daily(China) 31Aug 2019《北京日报》(中国)2019年8月31日●"The Star"( Malaysia ) 23May2017


●"Sin Chew Daily(Metro)" (Malaysia)21May2017


●"Lian He Wan Bao"8November2016


●"Lian He Wan Bao"16January2014


●“Modern Suzhou"- Chines Magazine May 2013


●“Suzhou TV" 22nd October 2012


●"Suzhou Daily" 31st July 2012


●"Arts Beat"- Magazine2 July 2009 & 16July 2009


●"Lian He Wan Bao"8July 2009



 Projects & Collections 工作与收藏:

●UOB Lid大华银行●Yucun Art Museum (China)雨村美术馆●Suzhou Daily (China)苏州日报社●Meritus Mandarin(Singapore)新加坡文华酒店●Shangri-La Hotel(Kuala Lumpur)吉隆坡香格里拉酒店●Black Earth Art Museum黑土地美术馆●FarEastPlaza远东广场●Marriot Hotel (Beijing)北京万豪酒店●The Legend Hotel(Kuala Lumpur)吉隆坡蕾青酒店●Grand Margherita Hotel(Kuching)古晋马格丽达大酒店